Thursday, October 18, 2007

2d and 3d patterns

For the first exercise we were required to get 6 images. Two images from nature, technology, and from a film. We were then supposed to use techniques to transform these pictures into our own patterns. So by overlaying, mirroring, cropping, and repeating these steps over again we were expected to create 2d patterns. I did these steps over and created several patterns that were to complicated and I simply was not happy with. After several attempts and not being completely satisfied and time running out I decided to do something incredibly simple. I took a single image of an AK47 cropped the barrel and turned that into the pattern that you can see bellow.

It looks incredibly simple. But when creating this pattern I kind of viewed this as a mechanical entity with arms that could move independently. It actually fits into my original concept of "a part to a whole" from my 2d transformation. I saw a pattern as simply a singular unit repeated over and over. I was interested in how a simple thing could create something that looks far more complicated when multiplied. Cells by themselves accomplish rather simple tasks but when combined they can complete more complicated tasks and create complicated structures. My project has to do with how a smaller entity creates a greater more complicated entity.

These are images of the 3d models that I created from the 2d pattern. I extruded the image in plan then used the intersection tool in Rhino to create this model.

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